Reservation management

Enquiry settings

These settings should be taken into account for enquiries. A reservation can be created using Public API by making a request to PUT /v1/reservation-enquiries endpoint. Enquiry enabled If the customer can register an enquiry, “reservationEnquiryEnabled” setting is enabled (value true). Capacity for enquiries The value received on “minimumCapacityForEnquiries” setting is the minimum number of guest

Reservation settings

There are also settings at merchant level regarding reservations that should be taken into account when creating a reservation. These setting are available on the endpoint GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/reservation-settings. Areas available for reservations These areas are displayed within areaIds array, together with the priority set for each. Depending on this priority, the areas are allocated automatically

Check availability

In order to create a reservation, first the restaurant must have available tables for the date, time and number of guests provided. Availability can be checked using the following endpoints: Availabilities for a merchant: GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/availabilities GET /v1/merchants/{merchantId}/availabilities/{date}/times List of merchants based on availability: GET /v1/merchants, searching after place, date, fromTime and capacity parameters A